February 17


As we are quickly approaching April and the dreaded test week, the staff at Laurelville have been frantically thinking of ways that we can get intervention to those students who need some extra help with their school work.  Mrs. Blubaugh has been working with students for a couple of months now during their study hall and library times, and sometimes during recess.  Now that we are getting closer to the testing, we are taking a little more aggressive approach towards intervention.  The fifth and sixth grade teachers have invited students who we feel just need a little more extra work to come to a before school Intervention Study Table.

I have also announced to my math students that I will be taking advantange of Mrs. Blubaugh to work with students, as needed, during their recess time.  We move very quickly in Math class, as you have already noticed.  When students have been absent and have missed direct instruction, meeting with Mrs. Blubaugh may be the best approach to getting them caught up on what they have missed.  I will also be sending students to her for intervention if I notice that they just are not “getting it” and need some more one-on-one assistance.  Assigning students to intervention is NOT meant as a punishment, but rather a time to give them some more direct help in needed areas so they can be more successful in their school work.

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