January 20

An Historical Day

Welcome back from a very long weekend!  Since today was such an important historical event, we had all of the fifth graders come in my room to watch the swearing in of the 44th president of the United States.  Unfortunately, the live feed through the computer started breaking up,  so we were unable to listen to President Obama’s speech, but at least the students were able to see him get sworn into office.

We also continued talking about number properties and we added one to our charts, the inverse property of addition and multiplication.  We worked through a lesson on number properties together on Study Island, and then the students worked on their own lesson on Study Island.  We did not do Daily Math Review or the times test (on 6’s) today due to the delayed start.  We will do both tomorrow.

There is a new page on the blog-Math W.A.G. The W.A.G. stands for “Week-at-a-Glance”.   I will be posting the state indicators that we will be working on in math class for the week.  I hope this will be helpful to students and parents in understanding what we are working on in Math class and why. I wish I had started this at the beginning of the year!

Thanks, Ian, for the chocolate.  I am enjoying it as I type this post! 

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