May 8

A Challenge for You!

smileEvery single day, there are people who could use something to smile about.  YOU could be that something for someone today. As you go about your day today, NOTICE people around you!  Does someone look a little down in the dumps?  A little sad?  Worried?  Nervous?  Hurt?  YOU can make a difference for that person today!

I challenge you today to do or say something that will put a smile on someone’s face. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture.  Often a smile given to that person can do the trick. 🙂

What ideas do you have on how to be the reason someone smiles today?  Please comment and share!

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March 12

Things That Are Making Me Smile….

star-smiley-face-downloadAs we approach our first Saturday school tomorrow :(, I thought I would try to focus my thoughts on things that have made me smile lately…   (in no particular order)

*The Braves are playing at the Convo again tonight.  GO BRAVES!
*The sun has been shining and all of the snow has melted.
*My missing eraser appeared (as a a result of the 2nd item on my list- I know there is a story there, but I just don’t know what it is!)
*Fifth graders have been doing very well on fractions-after I gave them a big speech on how this was going to be one of the hardest things they’ve done all year. Go figure.
*My fifth graders have answered over 75,000 math problems on IXL!
*Dylan Hedges needs to explain to his classmates how he nailed EVERY extended response on the 2nd quarter assessment!  WOW!
*I KNOW a visit to Tim Hortons is in my near future!  Probably a few…
*Mrs. Cartee makes wonderful chocolate chip cookies!
*We had some great Parent/Teacher Conferences last night.  Students are lucky when they have parents concerned about their success in their education.  Thank you to all parents who came on such a beautiful day!

What has been making you smile  lately?