January 29

President’s Day

The announcement of school being closed again for tomorrow (Friday) means it will be our 6th Snow Day.  That means we are now in “makeup” mode.  Any days now that are missed will need to be made up.  Our first scheduled makeup day is President’s Day.  We were scheduled to be out of school, but now we will be in session.  Hopefully, that is the last makeup day that we will need to schedule!

I hope everyone has had power and has stayed safe and warm throughout this snow/ice storm.  I sure hope  I see you on Monday! 😉

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January 27

Snow, Snow, Snow

We have now had Snow Day #3 and it looks like a strong possibility that we will be closed again tomorrow.  I hope you all have been able to get out and enjoy the snow.  Please stay busy and try not to bug your parents too much!  😉   Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow!

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