January 22

Can you solve?

Can you solve the equation:  4 + 10 x 3² (7-3) + 6 ?  If you know P.E.M.D.A.S, which is the order of operations to solve this equation, then you can.  Today the students learned about the order of operations (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract).  We watched a video of “Count Calcula” and also a BrainPop video to introduce the order of operations (and also the way to remember them:  “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”).  We also worked through the equation posted here and other equations.

Congratulations to my homeroom, 5B. According to Mrs. Bower, who had to fill in for Mrs. Griffey unexpectedly today, my homeroom students show “exemplary behavior” and “know how to make good, respectful choices!”  What a fantastic note to receive from  another teacher about my students.  I am so proud of them.  They were able to fill in TWO letters on their movie reward chart for that note!  I agree with her, they are setting a great example for Laurelville students!

Posted January 22, 2009 by Mrs. Caudill in category misc.

3 thoughts on “Can you solve?

  1. Karly Hart

    Mrs.Caudill I think I got it is it:

    Am I right?

  2. Mrs. Caudill (Post author)

    Nice try. You made a mistake in the first step. Look it over and see if you can find it and try again!

    You can get a treat for trying!

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